Join us at Digidol 24
Why not join us this month at Digidol 24 – The Digital Conference for Wales?
Digidol 24 is your opportunity to hear ground-breaking keynote speakers, grow your network, take part in engaging discussions, and go behind the scenes to meet M-SParc tenants. With sessions spread across 6 spaces, you’ll find something to occupy you throughout the day!
Our host is Ameer Davies-Rana, and he’ll guide us through a busy schedule that features the Chief Digital Officer for the Welsh Government Glyn Jones, AI pioneer Llion Jones, The Cross-Party Group discussing Diversity in Digital, an update on the RSP’s Skills Work, Bangor University’s Digital Showcase, Pioneers of Agritech, and lots, lots more.
Come along and hear from the Supertemps team (Room G69) about the digital roles we fill in North Wales, the skills we get asked for and a general roundup of the marketplace. Delegates will also receive a little gift from us in the Digital Tote Bag.
For more information click here or you can book tickets here.
We look forward to seeing you at Digidol 24!
Digidol 24 yw eich cyfle i glywed gan siaradwyr sy’n torri tir newydd, tyfu eich rhwydwaith, cymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau difyr, a mynd y tu ôl i’r llenni i gwrdd â thenantiaid M-SParc. Gyda sesiynau wedi’u gwasgaru ar draws 6 gofod, fe welwch rywbeth i’ch meddiannu trwy gydol y dydd!
Bydd Ameer Davies-Rana yn ein harwain trwy amserlen brysur sy’n cynnwys y Diweddariad ar y Strategaeth Ddigidol i Gymru gan Llywodraeth Cymru, cyflwyniad byw o Siapan gan yr arloeswr AI Llion Jones, Y Grŵp Trawsbleidiol yn trafod Amrywiaeth mewn Digidol, diweddariad ar Gwaith Sgiliau y PSR, Arddangosfa Digidol Prifysgol Bangor, Arloeswyr Agritech, gweithdai Busnes Cymru, a llawer, llawer mwy.