National Living Wage Increase April 2023
National Living Wage set to increase on 1st April With the National Living wage set to increase from 1st... continue reading
Job search:
National Living Wage set to increase on 1st April With the National Living wage set to increase from 1st... continue reading
Come along and chat to our team at one of the many recruitment events we will be attending across... continue reading
Once again it’s that time of year when the latest employment law changes are imminent. Are you compliant? Do... continue reading
Supertemps will be hosting Recruitment Open Days in February 2023 - why not pop in to one of the... continue reading
RECRUITERS celebrating 42 years in business have ramped up the number of job events to plug gaps in demand... continue reading
Why not come and discuss your next career move or join our jobsearch seminar…. Where: @M-Sparc On Tour, 18 Stryd... continue reading
A PROMINENT recruitment agency welcomed a new starter who brings decades of industrial experience to the award-winning company. ... continue reading
The team at Colwyn Bay and Bangor-based Supertemps have been inundated with clients seeking employees in multiple industries over... continue reading
Shannon Jones and Nicole Owen have joined Bangor and Colwyn Bay-based Supertemps as resourcers. Shannon, from Old Colwyn, and... continue reading
A study by the Learning and Work Institute found that across the UK, one in four companies have a... continue reading